Two tours, Two “Teams”, Too Much Fun!

So check this out! This year the Laughopolis Comedy Combo Tour is going to be separated into to two tours. First, Leland Klassen, Andrew Bright and Elijah Tadema will be touring across British Columbia bringing mountains (Get it, Mountains?) of good times in January. But…the fun doesn’t stop there. Ontario will be getting a chance to experience the fun in our March tour featuring Leland Klassen, Matt Falk (last year’s hit comic) and Todd Neilson. Both tours are going to be amazing, hilarious and you should probably get some tickets before they’re all gone!

3 thoughts on “Two tours, Two “Teams”, Too Much Fun!

    • Those posters are only up in the host church. They got a jump on the promo by getting it out before the new posters got there. Sorry for the confusion, it will be Leland Klassen, Matt Falk and Todd Neilson and a whole lot of fun.

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